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@xevqz for some reason it doesn't work if you install it with rde. Install after uninstalling ic, then use uninstaller again. it worked for me
@HuyHunter yeaa
@SnakeVenom33939 @ab douh @jahdaghost @Daddynnoob @TOWUnderR I made a changelog
@striker2898 Now in the update - yes, it works
@Brambo25 probably you are using some other mod that conflicts with ic, if you find this mod I will make it compatible
@edgeSky I used to use a zolika1351 trainer, but it doesn't work now, so you can try others, but it's more difficult, or just go to the .meta of the weapon you need and turn on the laser by defaul
@Nebula666 Yes, the player holds the bat in one hand using the gas can animation
@Azhcrove I want to do PEV a little later and if something happens I will release a compatibility file
@duckman1236206 I didn't understand, please rephrase
@Muhammad4 check other mods, I tested the mod more than once and nothing like that happened
@bnerburn you can use damage multiplier in some trainer
@S1mone There is an optional file, also try changing the character's skill
@Yupa @Soblake Changed in update, waiting for feedback
@Daddynnoob a lot of shit happened, i was busy solving it
@HuyHunter I saw that you already did it, of course no problem
@Littleagrinmlin Will be fixed in the update
@Soblake You mean you're taking too much damage?
@Janus_ I couldn't find such a problem, what other shooting mods are you using?
@choi2007 @clfgn7
The problem is the damage vs. velocity of 9mm weapons, I think I'll fix that soon
@khorvair It makes the taser more realistic but breaks some missions, I'll make an optional file for it
@bigballedgamer yes
@St1tchlayz This will be fixed in an update
@Hellaints I don't know how it will work with Vr, but it should be as good as the original.
@CYBERTHEKING Unfortunately, I don't have time to deal with fivem.
@tupikrupik @b00z I don't know anything about FIVM.
@Srfdjar This will be fixed in an update
@eldabash You can use any trainer and turn on the damage multiplier to your liking.
@Dimitri_Rascalov I'll do it in the update.
@ab douh Maybe I'll make an optional file for this, but I'm not sure
@xmexerex As I understand it, this mod is no longer available. /
@F-Dog The recoil is indeed a bit more, but not significantly so. Try increasing your character's shooting skill, it affects first person recoil@Daddynnoob soon
@Jsxpxr Different ones, depends on my mood, right now I'm using Modern Weapon Sounds
@BautiBau I think you're using nve, I don't know why it works that way but I'm looking for a way to fix it
@NecatiArabaci81 Thank you very much bro
@Dardan248 you must be using rde or ved or pev, I'll make compatibility files for them in the update.
@MattyReady I don't have this problem, maybe there is some conflicting mod, what other mods are you using?
@CHMSL Yes, it happens sometimes, but I don't know how to solve this problem yet, I think you need to do something with the animation files
@Mrkraken12 Yeah, I'm going to make an optional file for ak74u
@PatrickStar soon, thank you.