
Stock Photos of Liberty City Preservation Project for Add-on Vehicle Spawner 1.3


This is a bunch of .jpg images of Liberty City Preservation Project vehicles for Add-on Vehicle Spawner.

This img files provided you every vehicles that can be installed with LCPP.
It's basically the same vehicles that from IVPack, Liberty City Vehicle & Ped Pack and several original vehicles.
So you can use it for those mods as well! but you'll need to change the model names.

All of images were taken by me!

- Liberty City Preservation Project by the LCPP dev team
- ScriptHookV
- Add-on Vehicle Spawner by ikt

1. Copy all of .jpg images and paste to "img" files in "AddonSpawner"
2. After that, Use "reload previews" to load the images, you can find it from in-game spawner setting menu.

It might be contained few vehicles that Liberty City Preservation Project doesn't provide.
Please use "clean up image preview folder". This also can be found in the setting.

- Added cabby
- Added mrtasty
- Added missing boats and aircrafts

Images: OWLCAT
Add-on Vehicle Spawner: ikt
LCPP: LCPP dev team
Liberty City Vehicle & Ped Pack: Monkeypolice188 et al
IVPack: CP, Vanillaworks Team and other modders
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Première mise en ligne : 22 janvier 2025
Dernière mise à jour : 22 janvier 2025
Téléchargé pour la dernière fois : il y a 7 heures

All Versions

 1.3 (current)

229 téléchargements , 69 Mo
22 janvier 2025

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