141 082
141 082
ProjectRELOAD!| v1.0 - STABLE & BUG FREE
***This is not a Reality Enhancer. This is a totally GTAV Enhancer
***About Update v1.0:
We have decided to name this update as 1.0. Because we almost done everything we want to do. There are no bugs and we are using ReShade Framework v1.1.0 again.
So no more crashes too. As you can see, this update focused on Optimization and Adaptation with our Timecycles and EnbSeries.
Also our presets reached to 75K yesterday! We want to say THANK YOU! for this. Stay tuned guys, we're not finished yet.
We are waiting your feedbacks, pictures and videos for see and read them! You can support us with your comments, suggestions, positive criticism, recording gameplay videos and donates. Please make videos while you are playing. We really love watching them! Follow us!
For more Picture and Preset for Different Games please Visit BackstageMods.com!
Take a look to our EDITING GUIDE It'll help you if you want to do something by custom or if you think Brightness not enough, Sharpness is too much, Colors oversaturated and etc.
+What is the ProjectReload? What is Backstage?
- Click Here!
Our Team:
Kaan Tekin a.k.a Test11 – Author of BackstageMODS & Graphics Modder
Pythech – Technics about Website & Server
Fatih Nalbant - Website & Server
ScrollLock: Enabling/Disabling ReShade
Shift+F12: Enabling/Disabling ENB
Num1: Enabling/Disabling ReShade Based DOF. DEFAULT=ON
Num7: Enabling/Disabling Adaptation Based Lighting & Lens Effect. DEFAULT=ON.
There are 2 type DOF in RELOAD.
*ReShade BASED
*Timecycle BASED - Old One
When you installed RELOAD, ReShade BASED DOF will be activated. If you don't want that or if you have FPS drops, disable that with Num1!
If you disable ReShade BASED DOF; Old, Timecycle Based DOF will be activated. Your FPS will increase and you'll play with our classic DOF.
If you don't want any kind of DOF, change your timecycles with optional ones and press NUM1 while you're playing.
Before installing this mod; Set your Game's Brightness as maximum, Set DirectX mod as 11 and set your Window mod as Borderless Windowed.
If you have problems like Yellow or Blue Screen, Delete all parts of RELOAD and ReInstall the mod. Even better if you ReInstall the game.
Changelog, from v5.0 to v1.0:
+Stable & BUG FREE Build
+ReShade 1.1.0 - No more crashes
+Performance Tweaks for ReShade based DOF.
+Sharper Details
+Better Color Correction
+Advanced HBAO
ProjectRELOAD Features:
+Over 1400 High Quality Textures for Vegetation, Hills, Roads, Walls, Grounds!
+Totally Overhauled Timecycles;
*Better MotionBlur
*Better Sunny Weathers & Balanced Saturation
*Better Rainy Weather
*Better Clouds & FOG
*Better Mists
*Static Depth of Field
*Better Lighting
*Better GodRAYS
*Better Sky Colours & Brightness
+Totally Re-Done SNOWY WEATHER;
*Much Better Snow Texture
*Better Mist Settings
*Better SnowFlakes
*Better Snowy Athmosphere
*Snowy Weather Occurs with Weather Cycle
+Re-Done VisualSettings;
*Better Puddles
*Better Vehicle Head&Rear Lights
*Better Sirens & Helicopter Lights
*Better Distant Lights
*Re-set Sunrise and Sunset Hours
*Re-set Opening Hours of Lights (Vehicle Lights, Buildings, StreetLights)
*Longer LOD Distance
+High Quality ENB and ReShade Preset;
*Better Color Process
*Better Vehicle Reflections
*Better & Static BOKEH Effect
*Better Ambient Occlusion
*Better Shadows
*Better Moon&Stars
*FXAA&SMAA with Low Performance Cost
*Natural Color Theme
*ReShade based DOF
*In-game Hotkeys
+AI Improved;
*You will be easily Most Wanted! Cops are more clever now.
*Animals will not call cops.
*Cops will hear your crimes with longer distance.
-Example: Cops will chase you instantly if you hold your weapon to civilians.
*You will hear noises from longer distances
*Probablity of Different Animations by Peds improved. They will not just walk.
*Releationships edited. Example: Gangs will hate other gangs. Haters gonna hate. :)
+EFFECTS Re-done;
*Damage of Weapons Increased.
*Recieved Damages Increased.
*Explosions will be BIGGER & STRONGER. Example: If you blow up a car, you will understand you blowed up a car. That's not a little thing.
*Better & Longer Fires.
*Liquid Effects Edited. Example: Water under the Whell. Blood on your foot.
*VFXLighting Effect Enhanced.
*Better Vehicle Deformations!
+Re-Done Weather.xml
*Better Weather Cycles.
*Bump Effects Improved.
*Mist Amounts Increased for Snowy and Rainy Weathers.
*Snow added to Cycle.
+FogShapes Re-Done. Example: Height of FOG and Visibility of Behind the FOG.
+LOD Distance Increased for Grasses.
+Optional Settings
+Dirty Lens Effect
+Varieties of Plants Improved.
+More Colorful Plants&Vegetation at Blaine Country. Feel the Nature :P :)
+Health of Peds and Animals Edited.
+FPS Drop at Paleto Bay is Fixed.
+Our Website totally Re-done.
+Our Discussion Panel is Online Now!
+Games we are supporting:
*Grand Theft Auto V
*Grand Theft Auto IV
*The Witcher 3
*Enter The Gungeon
*Mount&Blade Warband with DLC's
*Euro Truck Simulator
*American Truck Simulator
*Assassin's Creed Unity
*Assassin's Creed Syndicate
*Counter Strike: Global Offensive
*Cities Skylines
Step by Step Installation File in Zip and Installation Video in Video Gallery.
***We're not responsible for Crashes or another stuff. Take your backups and do not use this mod in GTAOnline!
***Give us a feedback for proposal, complaint and thank. We're gonna read all comments guys.
***If you like this game and this mod, BUY IT. Do not use Cracked games, support to Dev Team.
ENBSeries: Boris Vorontsov
ReShade: Crosire
GemFX: LuciferHawk
McFX: Marty McFly
GTARealism Based Effects & Some Awesome Works: Mkeezay30
#ProjectRELOAD |BackstageMODS
***This is not a Reality Enhancer. This is a totally GTAV Enhancer
***About Update v1.0:
We have decided to name this update as 1.0. Because we almost done everything we want to do. There are no bugs and we are using ReShade Framework v1.1.0 again.
So no more crashes too. As you can see, this update focused on Optimization and Adaptation with our Timecycles and EnbSeries.
Also our presets reached to 75K yesterday! We want to say THANK YOU! for this. Stay tuned guys, we're not finished yet.
We are waiting your feedbacks, pictures and videos for see and read them! You can support us with your comments, suggestions, positive criticism, recording gameplay videos and donates. Please make videos while you are playing. We really love watching them! Follow us!
For more Picture and Preset for Different Games please Visit BackstageMods.com!
Take a look to our EDITING GUIDE It'll help you if you want to do something by custom or if you think Brightness not enough, Sharpness is too much, Colors oversaturated and etc.
+What is the ProjectReload? What is Backstage?
- Click Here!
Our Team:
Kaan Tekin a.k.a Test11 – Author of BackstageMODS & Graphics Modder
Pythech – Technics about Website & Server
Fatih Nalbant - Website & Server
ScrollLock: Enabling/Disabling ReShade
Shift+F12: Enabling/Disabling ENB
Num1: Enabling/Disabling ReShade Based DOF. DEFAULT=ON
Num7: Enabling/Disabling Adaptation Based Lighting & Lens Effect. DEFAULT=ON.
There are 2 type DOF in RELOAD.
*ReShade BASED
*Timecycle BASED - Old One
When you installed RELOAD, ReShade BASED DOF will be activated. If you don't want that or if you have FPS drops, disable that with Num1!
If you disable ReShade BASED DOF; Old, Timecycle Based DOF will be activated. Your FPS will increase and you'll play with our classic DOF.
If you don't want any kind of DOF, change your timecycles with optional ones and press NUM1 while you're playing.
Before installing this mod; Set your Game's Brightness as maximum, Set DirectX mod as 11 and set your Window mod as Borderless Windowed.
If you have problems like Yellow or Blue Screen, Delete all parts of RELOAD and ReInstall the mod. Even better if you ReInstall the game.
Changelog, from v5.0 to v1.0:
+Stable & BUG FREE Build
+ReShade 1.1.0 - No more crashes
+Performance Tweaks for ReShade based DOF.
+Sharper Details
+Better Color Correction
+Advanced HBAO
ProjectRELOAD Features:
+Over 1400 High Quality Textures for Vegetation, Hills, Roads, Walls, Grounds!
+Totally Overhauled Timecycles;
*Better MotionBlur
*Better Sunny Weathers & Balanced Saturation
*Better Rainy Weather
*Better Clouds & FOG
*Better Mists
*Static Depth of Field
*Better Lighting
*Better GodRAYS
*Better Sky Colours & Brightness
+Totally Re-Done SNOWY WEATHER;
*Much Better Snow Texture
*Better Mist Settings
*Better SnowFlakes
*Better Snowy Athmosphere
*Snowy Weather Occurs with Weather Cycle
+Re-Done VisualSettings;
*Better Puddles
*Better Vehicle Head&Rear Lights
*Better Sirens & Helicopter Lights
*Better Distant Lights
*Re-set Sunrise and Sunset Hours
*Re-set Opening Hours of Lights (Vehicle Lights, Buildings, StreetLights)
*Longer LOD Distance
+High Quality ENB and ReShade Preset;
*Better Color Process
*Better Vehicle Reflections
*Better & Static BOKEH Effect
*Better Ambient Occlusion
*Better Shadows
*Better Moon&Stars
*FXAA&SMAA with Low Performance Cost
*Natural Color Theme
*ReShade based DOF
*In-game Hotkeys
+AI Improved;
*You will be easily Most Wanted! Cops are more clever now.
*Animals will not call cops.
*Cops will hear your crimes with longer distance.
-Example: Cops will chase you instantly if you hold your weapon to civilians.
*You will hear noises from longer distances
*Probablity of Different Animations by Peds improved. They will not just walk.
*Releationships edited. Example: Gangs will hate other gangs. Haters gonna hate. :)
+EFFECTS Re-done;
*Damage of Weapons Increased.
*Recieved Damages Increased.
*Explosions will be BIGGER & STRONGER. Example: If you blow up a car, you will understand you blowed up a car. That's not a little thing.
*Better & Longer Fires.
*Liquid Effects Edited. Example: Water under the Whell. Blood on your foot.
*VFXLighting Effect Enhanced.
*Better Vehicle Deformations!
+Re-Done Weather.xml
*Better Weather Cycles.
*Bump Effects Improved.
*Mist Amounts Increased for Snowy and Rainy Weathers.
*Snow added to Cycle.
+FogShapes Re-Done. Example: Height of FOG and Visibility of Behind the FOG.
+LOD Distance Increased for Grasses.
+Optional Settings
+Dirty Lens Effect
+Varieties of Plants Improved.
+More Colorful Plants&Vegetation at Blaine Country. Feel the Nature :P :)
+Health of Peds and Animals Edited.
+FPS Drop at Paleto Bay is Fixed.
+Our Website totally Re-done.
+Our Discussion Panel is Online Now!
+Games we are supporting:
*Grand Theft Auto V
*Grand Theft Auto IV
*The Witcher 3
*Enter The Gungeon
*Mount&Blade Warband with DLC's
*Euro Truck Simulator
*American Truck Simulator
*Assassin's Creed Unity
*Assassin's Creed Syndicate
*Counter Strike: Global Offensive
*Cities Skylines
Step by Step Installation File in Zip and Installation Video in Video Gallery.
***We're not responsible for Crashes or another stuff. Take your backups and do not use this mod in GTAOnline!
***Give us a feedback for proposal, complaint and thank. We're gonna read all comments guys.
***If you like this game and this mod, BUY IT. Do not use Cracked games, support to Dev Team.
ENBSeries: Boris Vorontsov
ReShade: Crosire
GemFX: LuciferHawk
McFX: Marty McFly
GTARealism Based Effects & Some Awesome Works: Mkeezay30
#ProjectRELOAD |BackstageMODS
Première mise en ligne : 2 décembre 2015
Dernière mise à jour : 6 juin 2016
Téléchargé pour la dernière fois : il y a 43 minutes
1 428 commentaires
ProjectRELOAD!| v1.0 - STABLE & BUG FREE
***This is not a Reality Enhancer. This is a totally GTAV Enhancer
***About Update v1.0:
We have decided to name this update as 1.0. Because we almost done everything we want to do. There are no bugs and we are using ReShade Framework v1.1.0 again.
So no more crashes too. As you can see, this update focused on Optimization and Adaptation with our Timecycles and EnbSeries.
Also our presets reached to 75K yesterday! We want to say THANK YOU! for this. Stay tuned guys, we're not finished yet.
We are waiting your feedbacks, pictures and videos for see and read them! You can support us with your comments, suggestions, positive criticism, recording gameplay videos and donates. Please make videos while you are playing. We really love watching them! Follow us!
For more Picture and Preset for Different Games please Visit BackstageMods.com!
Take a look to our EDITING GUIDE It'll help you if you want to do something by custom or if you think Brightness not enough, Sharpness is too much, Colors oversaturated and etc.
+What is the ProjectReload? What is Backstage?
- Click Here!
Our Team:
Kaan Tekin a.k.a Test11 – Author of BackstageMODS & Graphics Modder
Pythech – Technics about Website & Server
Fatih Nalbant - Website & Server
ScrollLock: Enabling/Disabling ReShade
Shift+F12: Enabling/Disabling ENB
Num1: Enabling/Disabling ReShade Based DOF. DEFAULT=ON
Num7: Enabling/Disabling Adaptation Based Lighting & Lens Effect. DEFAULT=ON.
There are 2 type DOF in RELOAD.
*ReShade BASED
*Timecycle BASED - Old One
When you installed RELOAD, ReShade BASED DOF will be activated. If you don't want that or if you have FPS drops, disable that with Num1!
If you disable ReShade BASED DOF; Old, Timecycle Based DOF will be activated. Your FPS will increase and you'll play with our classic DOF.
If you don't want any kind of DOF, change your timecycles with optional ones and press NUM1 while you're playing.
Before installing this mod; Set your Game's Brightness as maximum, Set DirectX mod as 11 and set your Window mod as Borderless Windowed.
If you have problems like Yellow or Blue Screen, Delete all parts of RELOAD and ReInstall the mod. Even better if you ReInstall the game.
Changelog, from v5.0 to v1.0:
+Stable & BUG FREE Build
+ReShade 1.1.0 - No more crashes
+Performance Tweaks for ReShade based DOF.
+Sharper Details
+Better Color Correction
+Advanced HBAO
ProjectRELOAD Features:
+Over 1400 High Quality Textures for Vegetation, Hills, Roads, Walls, Grounds!
+Totally Overhauled Timecycles;
*Better MotionBlur
*Better Sunny Weathers & Balanced Saturation
*Better Rainy Weather
*Better Clouds & FOG
*Better Mists
*Static Depth of Field
*Better Lighting
*Better GodRAYS
*Better Sky Colours & Brightness
+Totally Re-Done SNOWY WEATHER;
*Much Better Snow Texture
*Better Mist Settings
*Better SnowFlakes
*Better Snowy Athmosphere
*Snowy Weather Occurs with Weather Cycle
+Re-Done VisualSettings;
*Better Puddles
*Better Vehicle Head&Rear Lights
*Better Sirens & Helicopter Lights
*Better Distant Lights
*Re-set Sunrise and Sunset Hours
*Re-set Opening Hours of Lights (Vehicle Lights, Buildings, StreetLights)
*Longer LOD Distance
+High Quality ENB and ReShade Preset;
*Better Color Process
*Better Vehicle Reflections
*Better & Static BOKEH Effect
*Better Ambient Occlusion
*Better Shadows
*Better Moon&Stars
*FXAA&SMAA with Low Performance Cost
*Natural Color Theme
*ReShade based DOF
*In-game Hotkeys
+AI Improved;
*You will be easily Most Wanted! Cops are more clever now.
*Animals will not call cops.
*Cops will hear your crimes with longer distance.
-Example: Cops will chase you instantly if you hold your weapon to civilians.
*You will hear noises from longer distances
*Probablity of Different Animations by Peds improved. They will not just walk.
*Releationships edited. Example: Gangs will hate other gangs. Haters gonna hate. :)
+EFFECTS Re-done;
*Damage of Weapons Increased.
*Recieved Damages Increased.
*Explosions will be BIGGER & STRONGER. Example: If you blow up a car, you will understand you blowed up a car. That's not a little thing.
*Better & Longer Fires.
*Liquid Effects Edited. Example: Water under the Whell. Blood on your foot.
*VFXLighting Effect Enhanced.
*Better Vehicle Deformations!
+Re-Done Weather.xml
*Better Weather Cycles.
*Bump Effects Improved.
*Mist Amounts Increased for Snowy and Rainy Weathers.
*Snow added to Cycle.
+FogShapes Re-Done. Example: Height of FOG and Visibility of Behind the FOG.
+LOD Distance Increased for Grasses.
+Optional Settings
+Dirty Lens Effect
+Varieties of Plants Improved.
+More Colorful Plants&Vegetation at Blaine Country. Feel the Nature :P :)
+Health of Peds and Animals Edited.
+FPS Drop at Paleto Bay is Fixed.
+Our Website totally Re-done.
+Our Discussion Panel is Online Now!
+Games we are supporting:
*Grand Theft Auto V
*Grand Theft Auto IV
*The Witcher 3
*Enter The Gungeon
*Mount&Blade Warband with DLC's
*Euro Truck Simulator
*American Truck Simulator
*Assassin's Creed Unity
*Assassin's Creed Syndicate
*Counter Strike: Global Offensive
*Cities Skylines
Step by Step Installation File in Zip and Installation Video in Video Gallery.
***We're not responsible for Crashes or another stuff. Take your backups and do not use this mod in GTAOnline!
***Give us a feedback for proposal, complaint and thank. We're gonna read all comments guys.
***If you like this game and this mod, BUY IT. Do not use Cracked games, support to Dev Team.
ENBSeries: Boris Vorontsov
ReShade: Crosire
GemFX: LuciferHawk
McFX: Marty McFly
GTARealism Based Effects & Some Awesome Works: Mkeezay30
#ProjectRELOAD |BackstageMODS
***This is not a Reality Enhancer. This is a totally GTAV Enhancer
***About Update v1.0:
We have decided to name this update as 1.0. Because we almost done everything we want to do. There are no bugs and we are using ReShade Framework v1.1.0 again.
So no more crashes too. As you can see, this update focused on Optimization and Adaptation with our Timecycles and EnbSeries.
Also our presets reached to 75K yesterday! We want to say THANK YOU! for this. Stay tuned guys, we're not finished yet.
We are waiting your feedbacks, pictures and videos for see and read them! You can support us with your comments, suggestions, positive criticism, recording gameplay videos and donates. Please make videos while you are playing. We really love watching them! Follow us!
For more Picture and Preset for Different Games please Visit BackstageMods.com!
Take a look to our EDITING GUIDE It'll help you if you want to do something by custom or if you think Brightness not enough, Sharpness is too much, Colors oversaturated and etc.
+What is the ProjectReload? What is Backstage?
- Click Here!
Our Team:
Kaan Tekin a.k.a Test11 – Author of BackstageMODS & Graphics Modder
Pythech – Technics about Website & Server
Fatih Nalbant - Website & Server
ScrollLock: Enabling/Disabling ReShade
Shift+F12: Enabling/Disabling ENB
Num1: Enabling/Disabling ReShade Based DOF. DEFAULT=ON
Num7: Enabling/Disabling Adaptation Based Lighting & Lens Effect. DEFAULT=ON.
There are 2 type DOF in RELOAD.
*ReShade BASED
*Timecycle BASED - Old One
When you installed RELOAD, ReShade BASED DOF will be activated. If you don't want that or if you have FPS drops, disable that with Num1!
If you disable ReShade BASED DOF; Old, Timecycle Based DOF will be activated. Your FPS will increase and you'll play with our classic DOF.
If you don't want any kind of DOF, change your timecycles with optional ones and press NUM1 while you're playing.
Before installing this mod; Set your Game's Brightness as maximum, Set DirectX mod as 11 and set your Window mod as Borderless Windowed.
If you have problems like Yellow or Blue Screen, Delete all parts of RELOAD and ReInstall the mod. Even better if you ReInstall the game.
Changelog, from v5.0 to v1.0:
+Stable & BUG FREE Build
+ReShade 1.1.0 - No more crashes
+Performance Tweaks for ReShade based DOF.
+Sharper Details
+Better Color Correction
+Advanced HBAO
ProjectRELOAD Features:
+Over 1400 High Quality Textures for Vegetation, Hills, Roads, Walls, Grounds!
+Totally Overhauled Timecycles;
*Better MotionBlur
*Better Sunny Weathers & Balanced Saturation
*Better Rainy Weather
*Better Clouds & FOG
*Better Mists
*Static Depth of Field
*Better Lighting
*Better GodRAYS
*Better Sky Colours & Brightness
+Totally Re-Done SNOWY WEATHER;
*Much Better Snow Texture
*Better Mist Settings
*Better SnowFlakes
*Better Snowy Athmosphere
*Snowy Weather Occurs with Weather Cycle
+Re-Done VisualSettings;
*Better Puddles
*Better Vehicle Head&Rear Lights
*Better Sirens & Helicopter Lights
*Better Distant Lights
*Re-set Sunrise and Sunset Hours
*Re-set Opening Hours of Lights (Vehicle Lights, Buildings, StreetLights)
*Longer LOD Distance
+High Quality ENB and ReShade Preset;
*Better Color Process
*Better Vehicle Reflections
*Better & Static BOKEH Effect
*Better Ambient Occlusion
*Better Shadows
*Better Moon&Stars
*FXAA&SMAA with Low Performance Cost
*Natural Color Theme
*ReShade based DOF
*In-game Hotkeys
+AI Improved;
*You will be easily Most Wanted! Cops are more clever now.
*Animals will not call cops.
*Cops will hear your crimes with longer distance.
-Example: Cops will chase you instantly if you hold your weapon to civilians.
*You will hear noises from longer distances
*Probablity of Different Animations by Peds improved. They will not just walk.
*Releationships edited. Example: Gangs will hate other gangs. Haters gonna hate. :)
+EFFECTS Re-done;
*Damage of Weapons Increased.
*Recieved Damages Increased.
*Explosions will be BIGGER & STRONGER. Example: If you blow up a car, you will understand you blowed up a car. That's not a little thing.
*Better & Longer Fires.
*Liquid Effects Edited. Example: Water under the Whell. Blood on your foot.
*VFXLighting Effect Enhanced.
*Better Vehicle Deformations!
+Re-Done Weather.xml
*Better Weather Cycles.
*Bump Effects Improved.
*Mist Amounts Increased for Snowy and Rainy Weathers.
*Snow added to Cycle.
+FogShapes Re-Done. Example: Height of FOG and Visibility of Behind the FOG.
+LOD Distance Increased for Grasses.
+Optional Settings
+Dirty Lens Effect
+Varieties of Plants Improved.
+More Colorful Plants&Vegetation at Blaine Country. Feel the Nature :P :)
+Health of Peds and Animals Edited.
+FPS Drop at Paleto Bay is Fixed.
+Our Website totally Re-done.
+Our Discussion Panel is Online Now!
+Games we are supporting:
*Grand Theft Auto V
*Grand Theft Auto IV
*The Witcher 3
*Enter The Gungeon
*Mount&Blade Warband with DLC's
*Euro Truck Simulator
*American Truck Simulator
*Assassin's Creed Unity
*Assassin's Creed Syndicate
*Counter Strike: Global Offensive
*Cities Skylines
Step by Step Installation File in Zip and Installation Video in Video Gallery.
***We're not responsible for Crashes or another stuff. Take your backups and do not use this mod in GTAOnline!
***Give us a feedback for proposal, complaint and thank. We're gonna read all comments guys.
***If you like this game and this mod, BUY IT. Do not use Cracked games, support to Dev Team.
ENBSeries: Boris Vorontsov
ReShade: Crosire
GemFX: LuciferHawk
McFX: Marty McFly
GTARealism Based Effects & Some Awesome Works: Mkeezay30
#ProjectRELOAD |BackstageMODS
Première mise en ligne : 2 décembre 2015
Dernière mise à jour : 6 juin 2016
Téléchargé pour la dernière fois : il y a 43 minutes
Hello guys, ProjectRELOAD v1.0 is waiting for admin's approval. It's based on ReShade 1.1.0 again and STABLE. No more crashes!
Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nGdG7QkD9ro
I need help with the 3rd step, "Replace all files of "2-Update.RPF Files for Atmosphere & Weathers"
with OpenIV each by each. For example: Enter Timecycle folder, Press green plus
icon and select all timecycles. Not before enter timecycle folder.", idk why, but I can't make sense of what it says.
How many fos can this drops?and also can this run my pc? I have 1050 ti and i5 3.2ghz
@Bernacapo10 Numpad 1 doesn't work for me
Can i somehow only take the bokeh effect and put it together with NVE? Pls an answer
Is it compatible with VisualV and NVR?
what are the system requirements for this
"Corrupt Game Data" Thanks
this fucked up my game. it crashes to desktop when i open the game. fuck u for this, now i have to recreate my mods folder
made an account that ill probably forget the password to the moment i have to sign back in but can someone tell me if this works on fivem?
absolute garbage
the game wont start i alos get corrupt game data. this absolutley destroyed my game
I don't know you guys say the mod crash the game, my game is version is 2245, and I installed the mod, and my game work fine
@oooper666 lmao i guess they diidnt install the mod properly. OpenIV does the work
@Theskinreaper Lol I think that is you the graphics and texture are working
Can sombody help me with the can not open reshade and more...???
Absolutely bada###$$ mod
dose this mod carsh your game anymore
@oooper666 thats what he just said 😂
Your mod is great overall but there is a graphical glitch: there is a yellowish color patch on the freeway, visible far away while driving. It doesn't happen when I remove your mod.
And you inverted a folder so everything people installed in x64i doesn't work.
It is x64i/levels/gta5/ and not x64i/gta5/levels/.
Also in x64u.
It is x64u/levels/gta5/_hills/country_06/ and not x64u/Country_06/
Also, it is country_06/cs6_01.rpf/ and not country_06/c6_01/
Same for cs6_roads.rpf, cs6_roadsb.rpf, cs6_roadsc.rpf, they are named cs6_roads, cs6_roadsb, cs6_roadsc in the archive.
I also have some trees low lod with a white square around them and they change lod is such a way than it is a lot worse than in Vanilla.