
Desiigner - Tiimmy Turner (Instrumental) Loading Music 1.0


Replaces the loading music with an instrumental version of Desiigner - Tiimmy Turner.
Since as of the time of making this, the beats and such haven't been publicly released by the producers, so I had to purchase a high quality 100% accurate re-creation that was made from scratch, and it was quite pricey compared to the normal song.
Feel free to donate if you want me to make more popular songs as loading music

I have purchased this instrumental song from a website, and by purchasing it, the website has granted me permission to use it for any purpose I want.
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Première mise en ligne : 16 juillet 2017
Dernière mise à jour : 17 juillet 2017
Téléchargé pour la dernière fois : 15 février 2025

All Versions

 1.0 (current)

781 téléchargements , 3,5 Mo
16 juillet 2017

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