Let's blow some sh*t up (weapon meta files) 1.0.2
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[03/23/2025] VERSION 1.0.2 -updated 10 years later-
Tested for several hours in Enhanced Version.
1) Revised list of SHOOT THRU materials, now MEDIUM to LARGE wooden (tree bark, poles, large structures) and other -strong- metallic materials (for instance, the bucket of a mechanical shovel) can be used as cover. Plastics, acrylic, resins, liquids, fabrics, cars, and most thin metals (doors, curtains, sheets), can be penetrated with bullets, like in the real world. So don't take cover behind those.
2) Revised list of modified weapons, adjusting the following properties with real world weapon effective ranges obtained from wikipedia and other sources.
Penetration (increased to 0.5 for most automatic weapons)
3) Removed explosive DamageType for PISTOL50 (Desert Eagle)
Previous version of this mod featured a massive explosive damage when shooting cars, causing an explosion with two or three shots. You can still blow up a car if you shoot the engine several times, since it will catch fire easily. The same applies for the gas tank, it can be pierced with a few shots, and then ignited to blow the vehicle up.
4) Assault Shotgun still has DamageType EXPLOSIVE and Explosion TANKSHELL, use it wisely.
Tested for several hours in Enhanced Version.
1) Revised list of SHOOT THRU materials, now MEDIUM to LARGE wooden (tree bark, poles, large structures) and other -strong- metallic materials (for instance, the bucket of a mechanical shovel) can be used as cover. Plastics, acrylic, resins, liquids, fabrics, cars, and most thin metals (doors, curtains, sheets), can be penetrated with bullets, like in the real world. So don't take cover behind those.
2) Revised list of modified weapons, adjusting the following properties with real world weapon effective ranges obtained from wikipedia and other sources.
Penetration (increased to 0.5 for most automatic weapons)
3) Removed explosive DamageType for PISTOL50 (Desert Eagle)
Previous version of this mod featured a massive explosive damage when shooting cars, causing an explosion with two or three shots. You can still blow up a car if you shoot the engine several times, since it will catch fire easily. The same applies for the gas tank, it can be pierced with a few shots, and then ignited to blow the vehicle up.
4) Assault Shotgun still has DamageType EXPLOSIVE and Explosion TANKSHELL, use it wisely.
Première mise en ligne : 13 juin 2015
Dernière mise à jour : il y a 7 heures
Téléchargé pour la dernière fois : il y a 38 minutes
65 commentaires
[03/23/2025] VERSION 1.0.2 -updated 10 years later-
Tested for several hours in Enhanced Version.
1) Revised list of SHOOT THRU materials, now MEDIUM to LARGE wooden (tree bark, poles, large structures) and other -strong- metallic materials (for instance, the bucket of a mechanical shovel) can be used as cover. Plastics, acrylic, resins, liquids, fabrics, cars, and most thin metals (doors, curtains, sheets), can be penetrated with bullets, like in the real world. So don't take cover behind those.
2) Revised list of modified weapons, adjusting the following properties with real world weapon effective ranges obtained from wikipedia and other sources.
Penetration (increased to 0.5 for most automatic weapons)
3) Removed explosive DamageType for PISTOL50 (Desert Eagle)
Previous version of this mod featured a massive explosive damage when shooting cars, causing an explosion with two or three shots. You can still blow up a car if you shoot the engine several times, since it will catch fire easily. The same applies for the gas tank, it can be pierced with a few shots, and then ignited to blow the vehicle up.
4) Assault Shotgun still has DamageType EXPLOSIVE and Explosion TANKSHELL, use it wisely.
Tested for several hours in Enhanced Version.
1) Revised list of SHOOT THRU materials, now MEDIUM to LARGE wooden (tree bark, poles, large structures) and other -strong- metallic materials (for instance, the bucket of a mechanical shovel) can be used as cover. Plastics, acrylic, resins, liquids, fabrics, cars, and most thin metals (doors, curtains, sheets), can be penetrated with bullets, like in the real world. So don't take cover behind those.
2) Revised list of modified weapons, adjusting the following properties with real world weapon effective ranges obtained from wikipedia and other sources.
Penetration (increased to 0.5 for most automatic weapons)
3) Removed explosive DamageType for PISTOL50 (Desert Eagle)
Previous version of this mod featured a massive explosive damage when shooting cars, causing an explosion with two or three shots. You can still blow up a car if you shoot the engine several times, since it will catch fire easily. The same applies for the gas tank, it can be pierced with a few shots, and then ignited to blow the vehicle up.
4) Assault Shotgun still has DamageType EXPLOSIVE and Explosion TANKSHELL, use it wisely.
Première mise en ligne : 13 juin 2015
Dernière mise à jour : il y a 7 heures
Téléchargé pour la dernière fois : il y a 38 minutes
@Rippler i could almost swear that instant_hit won't use that speed value.when i began to modifie weapons' data,i set speed to a extremely low value like 10,but with instant_hit bullet still traveled fast than light.of cause it slows the system a little bit,straight ballistic is also ballistic.but it's way easier for your pc than projectile type.wouldn't wanna save couple of frame/sec to ditch bullet speed.
@leonardoli It travels at the speed I set it at maybe that value was so low you used it ignored it completely. I have shot alot of real weapons the heavy pistol which I gave a velocity setting similar to a .45acp round for example hits pretty much exactly the right time it should. You just develop an ear for these things like when you expect to hear the sound report off the material it struck and in game with my mod its damn close now you can get into different bullet weights and all that jazz but mine are averages and there all pretty damn close in game from the time fired to the time it hits whatever it hits.I 100% agree with you about projectile type though and they use a different speed measurement entirely and yeah they are harder on the cpu because they have physics specifically gravity applied to them in real time.
@Rippler and bullets are much slower than what you think in real world,especially for pistols.effective range of 50m means the velocity will drop to the speed of sound at 50m.when that happens bullet still carries enough power for dealing damage but loses stabilty in directions.
@Rippler in close range you wouldn't feel the delay,but the further bullet goes the more obvious it gets.maybe you are confused by the measurement of length.i don't think it's feet for speed value and range value.yards perhaps.
@Rippler @leonardoli This is what I did... M92 used "INSTANT_HIT" and speed "1", while M249 used "DELAYED_HIT" and speed "1". CONCLUSION: Considering the bullet took 10 seconds to reach a target 3 METERS away, the speed value is definitely in FEET PER SECOND. Also, the property "Speed" is affected by both "INSTANT_HIT" and "DELAYED_HIT" FireTypes. Try it out if you don't believe me. Speed for bullets in GTA IV was also in feet per second, in fact it had a property called "fps".
@HEMP_INVADER really?weird.what's the difference between delayed hit and instant hit then?
@leonardoli Just like @Rippler said, both FireTypes "INSTANT_HIT" and "DELAYED_HIT" are affected by the property "Speed". I'm not sure about the difference yet.
@Rippler @HEMP_INVADER i tried myself,it seems you are right.apology for wrong information earlier.maybe it was me who's confused.very strange though,i did do a lot of tests on the ballistic thing.how came i saw it the wrong way.damn i am an idiot.
@leonardoli don't worry dude, in the end we've all learned something new. What makes most weapons pierce ground vehicles fuel tanks is this <DamageType>EXPLOSIVE</DamageType>.
@HEMP_INVADER It might be in feet per second but the way the game processes it makes it appear much faster for example if you set a rifle to lets say 3000 feet per second which is similar to a 5.56 the bullet hits instantly with no human perceivable delay at a target thats several hundred meters out. So its simply not realistic when I use meters per second the delay is very close to reality this is also due to the fact that there is no velocity reduction for bullets in gta if there was then feet per second would probably work fine. @leonardoli Many bullets do not lose stability when they enter the trans sonic stage its far more common in rifle bullets because of there length and they yawing effect thats created by projectile rotation creating instability and the effective range for a pistol is relative to the shooters skill many good shooters can hit 100m targets routinely. Great points though by both you guys all around makes me think every time I read them but yeah the data is out there don't take my word on these things.
@Rippler I see your point, however think of this example: the .50 from the heavy sniper reaches 2800 feet per second, that's 853 meters per second. Look at my latest screenshot, target is 321 meters away (distance measured with car GPS) and bullet reaches target almost instantly. Why? The bullet took 0,37 seconds to reach the target. My graphics configuration won't show npcs when being farther than 321 meters. The Extended Distance Scaling is a little more than half, that's the most my hardware can handle without dropping performance.
@HEMP_INVADER Yeah this is all true but in GTA bullets do not lose energy if you really want to get a understanding of what I am talking about go play a game like arma 3 where bullet flight is very realistically modeled the delay is noticeable because the bullet loses velocity gradually even for a 12.7x99mm ( .50) round plus the speed of sound report of the target being hit then that sound coming back to the shooters ears is also not factored in lol there is just so many things to think about but I found in testing as far as gta is concerned meters per second is the way to go its the most believable from a visual effects standpoint in the game. But also as to the npc draw distance you should be able to see them further then that even with your distance setting think you change it in visualsettings.dat as well. Nice to see you actually testing stuff though not like alot of people who just blab and have no idea what there talking about lol.
@Rippler in arma3,you engage enemies at much much further distance like 300m-1000m.in gta5,few target will be further than 100m.
@HEMP_INVADER you must have noticed,when set to instant_hit and use feet/second for speed,you hit everything in no time.that doesn't feel right.
@Rippler I haven't played Arma 3 (I don't like futuristic fps), but I've played Arma 2 a lot and I know what you are saying, those guys bring a whole different level of realism. Maybe you are right, meters per second fits better, however I need a greater draw distance to reach a final conclusion. I took a glance at "visualsettings.dat" and I think I might have found something, still not sure though. So I've taken the liberty of asking a modder who has messed a lot with that file, I'm waiting for his answer.
@leonardoli To be honest I did't notice INSTANT_HIT is affected by Speed until I set its value to "1". However I can't say which one fits better with my actual draw distance of 300 meters. I need to test it with a greater draw distance, at least 700 meters. Still I don't understand why they put 5000 for snipers, in meters per second it's insane. Great topic for debate.
@HEMP_INVADER i am guessing that when speed is set to a high value,instant_hit will override it and make bullet reach target instantly.in that case only delayed_hit allows bullet apply to speed value.there was a remote sniper rifle in weapons.meta,it must be the gun Michael use to shoot down that jet.in that mission target is miles away from the van,bullet must be very fast to hit that flying jet.maybe R* think all the sniper rifles should use the same settings:delayed_hit with speed 5000.maybe it is feet/sec for speed value,but only if delayed_hit is chosen.or it won't work.
how do i make bullets light stuff on fire like a molotov?
So it's seem we're lacking of knowledge bout how realy weapon meta work's isn't no worries with all modder join hand soon lights will come... now back to topic..
1. Yes speed do affecting both type either instant OR delayed Hit. The difference is how the game script handle it delayed bullet travel to point.
2. Clip / piercing etc not been handle in weapon meta
3. What meta affecting
1. Type of firing
2. Ammo it's use
3. Accuracy of weapon
4. Recoil of weapon
5. Damage of weapon
6. Impact force of weapon
7. Fov & camera use of weapon
8. Flag use in weapon
So the homework are.. how to decoded one and each the parameter realy do. I.e weaponbendingfarradius value:0.375000. What are these do.. etc..
So it's more beneficial for our community if we can put every knowledge we have into a guide in others can read and put it in too.. since modding without knowledge mean trial error and crash not mention its also far from what we have in mind to make it works as we wanted to..
@tuffcole open weapon meta.. search molotov.. see what flag it's has. Type of firing etc.. just copas those to any weapon u wish to had those fire thing.. though any trainer already had that option.. ammo explosive .. ammo fire.. etc..