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@Tenent almeida libera a palio weekend 2018 também!
Muito foda os seus mods. Libera a palio weekend 2018 também!
@vagner-zn como vc aprendeu a fazer os mapas para o gta v? Se possivel me mande links. Obrigado :)
Faz a textura dos bombeiros nessa https://pt.gta5-mods.com/vehicles/ambulancia-renault-master-samu-els
iria ficar melhor
@Rambo92ita how did you learn to make maps for gta v?
@DarkSwax how did you learn to make maps for gta v?
@Harra how did you learn to make maps for gta v?
how did you learn to make maps for gta v?
@Plymie thanks! :)