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  • 0ae411 avatar 4

    @ChrisPy Tried installing the new 1.2.1 update but getting following error: The metadata information is missed or corrupted in "assembly.xml" :( Thanks for your work so far with this mod!

    22 octobre 2023
  • 0ae411 avatar 4

    @Callum5042 Nope, no changes done to any of the files. I read online that reason for this problem could be the language and / or region of my windows (default is german / germany). I changed it to English (US) and I managed to open the menu with F8, however, right after that, I got a script error.

    26 mai 2019
  • 0ae411 avatar 4

    Hey there, sadly the script does not work for me, I'm getting following error message in the ScriptHookVDotNet2 log file: [ERROR] Failed to instantiate script 'StreetRacing.Source.StreetRacing' because constructor threw an exception:
    System.FormatException: The input source is not correctly formatted.
    bei System.Number.ParseSingle(String value, NumberStyles options, NumberFormatInfo numfmt)
    bei StreetRacing.Source.Configuration.LoadRaces()
    bei StreetRacing.Source.StreetRacing..ctor()

    Using the newest NativeUI. Any help would be appreciated.

    25 mai 2019
  • 0ae411 avatar 4

    @Razielex That's great news. can't wait!

    9 juin 2018
  • 0ae411 avatar 4

    Any plans on adding gamepad support? Nice work so far!

    8 juin 2018
  • 0ae411 avatar 4

    Not sure what the mod offers already as I didn't had the time to try it out yet but I will write down my ideas I have so far:
    - Toggle function, I would prefer that over having to remove the script everytime I don't want to have the script activated
    - Invulnerably: You can slow it down by shooting it into the head for example or running it over but I would always get up and continue following you
    - Attacks - If it gets too close it would start hitting you

    Definitely a cool idea and I hope to see it grow in the future!

    21 mai 2018
  • 0ae411 avatar 4

    Hey there, the last few versions I always have the problem that during night time and sunrise I get a weird pixelated effect in the sky:

    Any idea what the cause of this could be? I'm not using any graphics altering mods besides VisualV. All the settings are pretty much maxed out and I'm using a higher resolution then my screen is to safe up on AA. Thanks for the help!

    10 mai 2018