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yep nothing workign ..waiting on update ..even visual mods ..all none working atm
open handling.meta
look for :
<fInitialDriveMaxFlatVel value="XXX.000000" />
In the section of the car you want to change
change xxx value to your desired top speed i.e 160.000000
Also change maybe the values for acceleration if you fid the car too fast :
Fast :
<nInitialDriveGears value="6" />
<fInitialDriveForce value="0.320000" />
not so fast
<nInitialDriveGears value="3" />
<fInitialDriveForce value="0.200000" />
experiment with it till u like it :)
Sorry i might be the only one but this looks rubbish
Eats to many frames and all this blurry shit ? WTF for ?
why have a graphics mod if all u can ses is 10 meters around the car u drive ?
So , Iam sorry i dont see the point at all.
But then again its only my 2 cent so dont worry bout it :)
Look at the Date and NO it doesnt matter org or stolen gta it Just doesnt work becasue it is too old and never gets updated ?
dont bother .
If Guadmaz doesnt update nor care about it ? dotn dload it
Just use a trainer to mod the cars who needs the shop ?
"Very accurate description of the mod's issues, and i may add that the spawned vehicles are sometimes very modified, like with spoilers, turbo, best engine, etc."
This would be terrible I would have to stop using it . Some addon cars ...dont have mods
and will lead to all sorts of problems (crashes) Same issue kinda as with replacement cars without mods . So plz dont add tuning to this ...keep it simple ...
I kinda agree , the ai drives to aggressive and fast
DrivingStyle=786603 is set to normal but they drive aggressive
I set
but they dont drive 20 ..more like 50 :)
wait time set to 50 at LESAT !! otherwise too many spawn ..looks silly in the desert with 5 supercars spawned
And still they spawn soemtimes in fron of me
BUT BUT BUT this is the best mod by FAR to get DLC in traffic
I dont even bother with any other
@ThedrivingDew mmhhh maybe but still why does noone else seem to have the issue after big January update all car lods are not working ? all worked before fine ..at least on the cars i had installed ..
Never-mind ...i removed all cars ...except 2 that are working ?
I don't understand how no one is moaning about this
seems like i am the only person where this happened ? New Cars are released daily and no one seems to have the lod issue !?
Its definitely Rockstar. They done something ... as I said sit in car LOD works
AI drives lod doesn't . I even made a brand new install copy all files from vanilla and still no car can be installed .Not one . On all cars the wheels dissappear after 50 to 100 meters
NO it removes nothing....
I was only saying that the lods on this mod here are excellent and work over multiple blocks ...
Soemthign the other mod authors should look at because its missing
Yep...nice job Vlad . I looked myself and they never edit all the LOD files. Usually only the once inside the directory they are working on
but lods for view from up high and 2 blocks away (i.e Heli) ? they never edit so from 2 or 3 blocks away ALL the billboard lods are screwed .
Great JOB! Love it
maybe u can talk to "Real Posters, Graffiti And Tags for LA 2.5" and "Sprunk BBoard to coke mod (V2 Final)" dude and let them know how to make the lod work so it works form far away as well ...the CocaCola board only does 300 meters or so, in a heli it still changes to vanilla . Also the Advertising boards and graffiti disappears, but your Hollywood sign doesnt ...Great Job