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1.5 (preview) - Part 1
Sunshine Dream 1.6 Update 1 released. Read the description for details about it and how to install it.
@antonpetrovpdrrr Rename mods folder to something else. Install just the Addon OIV package and nothing else after that.
@JohnFromGWN Otherwise it isn't easy to help because we don't have insights on their installation in full so we can only play guessing game, which isn't always productive.
@JohnFromGWN I thought 3442 wasn't the latest version, but looking up, seems it is. I mentioned keyword "latest version", I don't test on older.
@AliciaW Try to use the provided mod's gameconfig with latest version. Make sure heapadjuster and other essentials are pre-installed as well.
@Ss4gogeta0 I was careful not to miss anything this time around. I think what you're referring to are the Miami zones instead, as this download here includes just lore one.
@a012345 This script mod has nothing to do with enabling the features people usually ask for (e.g. traffic paths, ped navmeshes, scenarios). What that mod does is just remove the limit in being unable to drive when you're too far from original map space. This can be achieved with modding gameconfig.xml as well.
@nemzzzz That is a much smaller map and it's plausible it is placed within the game boundary limits, even if it may be far from the original map. Within the confines of our skill level / expertise, it is not possible to fit the entire map of this mod next to the original one and also at the same time have ability to edit in the features you asked for across all of it, meaning they wouldn't function in full as they do in the replacement version.
@Starfox1993 Addon version does not have traffic, peds or scenarios and there are game boundary limits that may prevent it from being developed all the way
Sunshine Dream 1.6 has been released. The mod is now in OpenIV (OIV) package format, making it easier to set up.
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you have other mods pre-installed, it is recommended to back them up and remove them from game's folder before installing this one. To uninstall the mod after installation, simply rename the "mods" folder to something else, e.g. "modsold" or remove it entirely to restore your game into unmodded state (before installation of Sunshine Dream).