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    i also get cars spawning directly infront of me at random and if i go out where the carrier is, cars spawn in the sky and keep dropping down into the sea.

    29 décembre 2018
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    drops to 40-50 in city areas.

    26 décembre 2018
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    something wrong with this mod, my fps drop by 10-20 in areas where there are the highways on the coast.
    removing the mod and fps back at 60 in the same location.

    26 décembre 2018
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    you've made the npc look more creepy than the nun in the movie. well done.

    23 novembre 2018
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    ok, i did it all on the fly, took a few notes here and there but mostly i just changed stuff editing via openiv, loaded game, looked at visuals and then did that again and again till i disabled everything. it would takes ages to list all the stuff i changed. rust me, you don't want to see how many settings i'll do your head in.

    8 octobre 2018
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    @SilverRST because this is mainly a timecycle mod, making a seperate file to add to another timecycle mod would be headache inducing, it took me more than a day just go through all the lines in the original files. i don't really want to go through and pick out lines, hope you understand.

    8 octobre 2018
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    ok, say no more :)

    3 octobre 2018
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    the trouble with the visual mods they nearly all use modified timecycle files, as that's where most of the visual effects are set from, so you either have to pick one that works best or spend hours editing them to fit your liking, choosing settings from one and adding from another. if you are just looking for more performance, just choose ones that disable settings that won't change the general look of the game. like mine or the fps booster. i'm not sure what spec you are playing on though?

    3 octobre 2018
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    but yeah, it should give you a small fps boost as it'll not be using that many postfx anymore.

    3 octobre 2018
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    ...and i'm getting sick of every new game trying to be "cinematic", if i want that shit i watch a movie, and even then, most movies are not plastered with colour grading, dof and lens flares, only idiot directors do that.

    3 octobre 2018