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Uploaded several maps in a row, very good!
@hackerkm https://drive.google.com/file/d/1sD5VCIk0XaQgUPvnjLdRDoRJzakPVci8/view?usp=sharing
Yes, but I recommend using this, the original file that has not been moved.
The ratio of Kamiroad.fbx seems to be wrong. The other .fbx file is the extracted original file. I have renamed the texture, but you need to assign the material manually.
@JohnFromGWN Two versions of trees, their positions are different, one is the manually positioned version. 1.1 is the original version in the initial D8.
@JohnFromGWN Kozzren.it took him a long time to do
@JohnFromGWN @pie314159
in previous versions the tree model was a manually repositioned version of Kozzren, his work.
I converted the trees from the GTASA version that wasn't published on the mod site, the trees in this version are in the same location as the ones in assetto, which is the same as the tree version made by kozzre, so I replaced them . The tree positions are different in the two versions.
Because the tree position in the original initial D was bad, I only tweaked some of the positions in the updated 1.1 version.
@Jiawei 可以点进去啊,你都发出来了,可以进去的
@Kozzren https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0OMVZMNTo0U
@Kozzren Here is the model of initial D0 and the tree of initial D8. The original model of initial D is extracted using the open source efo extraction tool, which is linked here: https://github.com/GreenTrafficLight/efo_BlenderAddons.
The version of blender I am using is 2.92.
Use blender to import the efo model and tree path file. Since the efo file of the initial D8 is collected in the COURSE.xaf file, I used the .xaf unpacker provided by ArvinJM to extract the .efo file.
Then by copying the tree path folder of the initial D0 to the path folder of the initial D8, import the .efo model using blender to get the trees.
So, the model used here is the model from Initial D0, and the tree model is from Initial D8.