
Improved And Better Tailight . Indicator[SIgnal] And Fix Corona 1.0

2 732

Hello Guys... This mod is Fix Dim in day in : taillight : incicator[Signal]
And Reverse Lights And MiddleBrakeLight And BrakeLight And Without Corona

Note Very Important: If you get crash . dont edit anything on gta v file . Launc GTA V again and that Will
Be Fixed Lifetime

-Fix Corona [Not Same Radinace V]
-Real Taillight AND reverse light and incdicator On Day [Fixed Dim]
-Improved Taillight [BackLight]
-Improved ReverseLight
-Imrpoved MiddleBrakeLight
-Improved Indicator [Signal]
-Improved BrakeLights

I Love You مشاري العتيبي Mshary AlOtabi

مميزات المود
-تقويه الاصطبات الخلفيه
-تقويه انوار الاشاره
-تقويه الاضاءه الاماميه بشيئ معقول جدا و واقعي
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Première mise en ligne : 8 décembre 2017
Dernière mise à jour : 18 décembre 2017
Téléchargé pour la dernière fois : il y a 1 jour

All Versions

 1.0 (current)

2 731 téléchargements , 9 ko
8 décembre 2017

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