
Handling Pack 2 - Street Racing/Drift/OffRoad 5 Vehicles 1.0.1


I want to take a second to say that there are no right or wrong answers when it comes to choice of a custom handling model, or choice of a custom engine sound. All that matters is whether or not your community enjoys the handling model you have chosen for your server. Every author that has contributed custom handling to this website is fully legit imo.

Also, next upload I will try to include handling for some lore-friendly and add-on police vehicles that will be balanced within the streetracing handling model. I will include handling for some free models as well as for some paid models, by authors like Noisiak for instance. I am in no way affiliated with Noisiak or any other author, but I have worked on their products in the past and found them to be easy to tune for solid race and police chase handling, 'specially their vanilla police vehicles.

Custom Handling Pack 2 - Version 1.0
- Update 1.0.1 should be approved soon and contains the DriftMonkey livery for the Porsche 911 Slantnose. See below for info on how to add/edit custom livery
- Also includes a minor adjustment to balance the body a little better for the Toyota Supra MKIV. Copy and replace all supra2 files from the download folder into your supra2 data folder.

This is the second pack in a series of vehicles packs that will be released over time. All vehicles will be classed, normalized and balanced to work with each other within the design of the handling model. Many more packs will be coming soon

Open the zip/rar file and copy and replace all data folder ".meta" files to the data folder of the original model.
Single player install info will be included with the original model download files

Custom audio will need to be added by the server owner/vehicle dev, vehicles in this download have been given vanilla engine sounds, and I have posted links to recommended custom audio for some vehicles.
Streaming custom engine sounds "how to" tutorial: by FiveMYBNGeek
Google Search for HOW TO ADD CUSTOM ENGINE SOUNDS TO YOUR FIVEM SERVER (2022) SUPER QUICK AND FAST! (unable to post link due to character restrictions)

Race track used in some videos: Kanagawa Drift (works nicely for normal handling as well)

Vehicles in this pack:

Porsche 911 Slantnose (converted to drift, custom drift handling by yours truly)
The 911 GT3 Slantnose used to be on gta5-mods, but is no longer available. A google search for
"Porsche 911 GT3 [997] [Add-On Template] 1.0" may or may not find the model on another website.
I believe the author was the Hachiraito model group, but I could be wrong. The 911 Slantnose
was on gta5-mods for free, but you might want to do a google search to see if the Hachiraito Group
still offers it for free, or if it is in their paid model section.
Vehicle has been configured to "comet4" for audio in the download, same sound used in the video
Recommended Custom Engine Sound: Porsche GT3 T.A.G. T3 Flat6

- More custom drift vehicles coming soon if people like this drift handling

Spoon Sports Honda Civic SIR (EG6) [Add-On Tuning Template] 1.0 Set to B-Class
Right hand drive, front wheel drive, stripped interior, and uses the Honda K20a custom engine sound in the video.
The engine sound is set to the vanilla engine sound "stratos"in the download file
Custom Engine Sound

Nissan S15 Silvia Grave Rob Widebody [Addon] [Fivem] 1.0 (Set to A-Class)
Highly customized S15 Silvia, very unique wide body kit and interior textures. Uses the vanilla "coquette3" engine sound in the video,
but I recommend using the RB26DETT custom engine sound to complete the vehicle
Recommended custom audio

Karin Ensenada [Add-On Liveries] 1.1 (Custom TrophyTruck/Baja Racer handling by yours truly) (Set to B-Class)
Way too much horsepower in a large-bore, big piston racing engine, combined with TrophyTruck style suspension.
Definitely not a vehicle to keep the gas pedal pressed to the floor, you will need a lot of practice and skill
to get top race times out of this truck. Uses "ratloader2" for vanilla engine sound, as it seems to match the
power output better than other engine sounds. Intended for racing only, not street use

Last but far from least, a streetracing legend...
Lots of visual customization. Uses "coquette3" in the video, though I recommend using the jza80 race and/or stock engine sounds included in the link below
Toyota Supra JZA80 [Add-On / Replace] 1.4 A-Class
Recommended Custom Engine Sound:

Racing Classes: (on flat, level roads)

Exotics, Supercars, and Hypercars
Speeds from 161mph up to 180mph

Mostly StreetRacing vehicles, Coupe and Sedan
Speeds from 145mph up to 160mph

StreetRacing, Group B Rally, Muscle, and 4x4/OffRoad
Speeds from 130mph up to 144mph

StreetRacing, Group B Rally, Muscle, and 4x4/OffRoad
Speeds from 0mph up to 130mph

Vanilla vehicles, unedited, no custom handling
The reason for having all vanillas in D-Class is that there have not been any natives written to allow for any customization other than the handling.meta file. This means that some vehicles will either underperform for what they are, or completely outperform equivalent race vehicles. I will be uploading a vanilla handling mod at some point for certain vanilla cars soon, but they need extensive testing and adjustments to bring them into balance with the addon handling model to ensure fairness and balance in street races and police chases.

AWD and OffRoad/4x4 Ratios:
Set to 35 Front, 65 Rear for street racing
Set to 45 Front and 55 Rear for off-road/4x4

Modkit Number for custom files:
Modkit in the .zip/.rar may or may not be different from original Modkit Number
911 GT3 Drift = 0 default
EG6 = 1013
S15 Grave Rob = 0 default
ensenada = 641
supra = 754

Porsche 911 Slantnose: Hachiraito Group afaik
Honda EG6 Civic SiR: YCA Vsoreny
Nissan S15 Grave Rob = Pepto Bismol
Karin Ensenada Off-Road: TheF3nt0n, Thundersmacker and others
Toyota Supra JZA80: AlexHIT

Zero bugs. If any are found, please notify in comments.

STRONGLY recommend using a texture re-size app to lower the size of the textures in the .ytd files of GTA5 Addon vehicle models. This can reduce file sizes to a very large degree, lessening the overhead and strain on your server, specially during street racing and police chases. Many come with 4096 x 4096 liveries and textures and will cause streaming issues in some circumstances, and afaik, GTA5 cannot even take advantage of 4k textures, and with gta6 coming out eventually I doubt we will see 4k abilities in
GTA5 anytime soon.

To change textures/liveries in the .ytd file, you will need OpenIV.
First, backup the original .ytd just in case. Open up OpenIV and in the top right, select EDIT mode. Drag and drop the .ytd file from the stream folder of your model, and look for it in the OpenIV menu. Double click the .ytd file name in OpenIV and a new window will pop up, showing all your vehicle textures for the model. Simply drag and drop the new livery/texture into OpenIV the texture window and rename the new liveries/textures into the
texture window, rename the texture to the name of the file it is replacing in the .ytd, and delete the old livery/texture after renaming. Click save, then drag and drop the .ytd file from the OpenIV window back into your stream folder for your model, and you are good to go
(liveries will not always display in OpenIV, test in your server to make sure everything worked for you)

Legal Stuff:
I only provide my custom handling for these vehicles, and I am in no way affiliated with any of the authors. As always, use branded, de-branded or re-branded vehicle models in your server at your own risk. All liveries were created by me, however some liveries may present possible legal issues, use at your own risk.
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Première mise en ligne : 29 août 2024
Dernière mise à jour : 30 août 2024
Téléchargé pour la dernière fois : il y a 8 heures

All Versions

 1.0.1 (current)

335 téléchargements , 770 ko
30 août 2024


88 téléchargements , 28 ko
29 août 2024

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