Dacia Solenza 1.2
2 498
2 498
Dacia Solenza v1.2
*for future probably i will make working dials, tuning parts and some other new little details that i will learn by doing other cars :D
-Made the backlights work like in real life
-Enhanced the quality of some textures
-Working Mirrors
-Working Steering Wheel
-Working Dials / Headlights / Backlights etc
-Breakable glass
replace the files in Mods\x64e\levels\gta5\vehicles\ with OpenIV
Car creator for gta sa: Cristian Burac
Convertion to V: Andrei9948
*for future probably i will make working dials, tuning parts and some other new little details that i will learn by doing other cars :D
-Made the backlights work like in real life
-Enhanced the quality of some textures
-Working Mirrors
-Working Steering Wheel
-Working Dials / Headlights / Backlights etc
-Breakable glass
replace the files in Mods\x64e\levels\gta5\vehicles\ with OpenIV
Car creator for gta sa: Cristian Burac
Convertion to V: Andrei9948
Première mise en ligne : 19 avril 2016
Dernière mise à jour : 30 avril 2016
Téléchargé pour la dernière fois : il y a 16 heures
25 commentaires
More mods by Andrei9948:
Dacia Solenza v1.2
*for future probably i will make working dials, tuning parts and some other new little details that i will learn by doing other cars :D
-Made the backlights work like in real life
-Enhanced the quality of some textures
-Working Mirrors
-Working Steering Wheel
-Working Dials / Headlights / Backlights etc
-Breakable glass
replace the files in Mods\x64e\levels\gta5\vehicles\ with OpenIV
Car creator for gta sa: Cristian Burac
Convertion to V: Andrei9948
*for future probably i will make working dials, tuning parts and some other new little details that i will learn by doing other cars :D
-Made the backlights work like in real life
-Enhanced the quality of some textures
-Working Mirrors
-Working Steering Wheel
-Working Dials / Headlights / Backlights etc
-Breakable glass
replace the files in Mods\x64e\levels\gta5\vehicles\ with OpenIV
Car creator for gta sa: Cristian Burac
Convertion to V: Andrei9948
Première mise en ligne : 19 avril 2016
Dernière mise à jour : 30 avril 2016
Téléchargé pour la dernière fois : il y a 16 heures
@aliatasoy first. Learn to read please :) You have a description and a TITLE. It says BETA, beta means IT'S NOT FINSIHED... Jeez
@aliatasoy update is pending approval
@aliatasoy im focusing on romanian mods :)
Ce nume are masina in GTA V?
@Claudiu Pai ce masina ai inlocuit? Cum se numea? :) ...Oracle
Foarte tare! de cand asteptam sa faca Solenza pentru Gta V, GJ!
@v3g3 urmeaza si 1100 :) mai am de reparat niste buguri la ea
@Andrei9948 cu ce program faci modurile ?
@Lyrical zmodeler3, photoshop si mai sunt si altele cum ar fi 3dsmax ...
@Andrei9948 5 stars for your first mod , waiting for your Dacia 1100 ;)
@ChOcOsKiZo thanks,and tha 1100 its pending approval :D
@Andrei9948 nice , the renault r8 from Romania ;)
@Andrei9948 am facut totul bine , dar nu merge sa ma loghez cand intru in zmodeler... adica dau apply si apoi ok , si tot nu se logheaza , pur si simplu imi dispare.. Apropo , cand timp ti-a luat pana ti-a raspuns la pending approval ?
@Lyrical cateva ore.. nu stiu...si ce zici tu acolo ca iti da crash sau ce o fi... Cauta pe google versiunea piratata..sau cine stie...poate vrei sa cumperi programul =)k
@Andrei9948 nu ai tu vreun link sau asa ? Ca gasesc doar virusi :(
@Andrei9948 am gasit unul , si m-am uitat la un tut pe net si imi incarca masina , dar nu pot sa o vad :(
@Andrei9948 am rezolvat , nu am apasat pe L0
good job,
please add a template
Modelul arata perfect dar sper sa repari cand ai timp asta:
Rotile din stanga (https://prnt.sc/mecbqc; http://prntscr.com/mecdmz; http://prntscr.com/mecefw) sunt mai spre dreapta pe cand rotile din dreapta (http://prntscr.com/meccb4; http://prntscr.com/mecf2u) sunt bine puse ca si "pozitie" ma refer in rest totul e ok.