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@winject Why not add the ability to hit/slam somebody to make them lose balance with the shield?
@Eyon This is supposed to be able to improve all stats right? So how about adding one like improve running speed and combat speed, faster health and armor recovery ?
@stillhere Glad to hear that! And since you are rewriting it, I suggest adding some abilities that Cap has in the comics but hasn't been explored yet. Like reflecting repulser beams from Iron Man with hi shield, seeing the world in slow motion (his reflexes is over 50X times that of human's, but you can make it about x5 in the game), climbing hard surfaces like buildings using his fingers thanks to his super strength. or to make it a little bit cooler when he falls down to the ground, you can add the effect of it cracking to show his increased density (like in this images: https://imgur.com/a/ARD47 ). Of course, you can take all the time you want. I would rather want a good mod with a qualified and passionate modder working on it than a rushed and full of bugs one
@stillhere Yo! Long time no talk. So you have any intention of updating the mod?
@nmodds And I suggest the blast being white, since white is usually considered the purest color of the soul
@nmodds One more attack that you can add is a psychic energy blast. Unlike other attacks, the blast can go straight, or to better put it, phase through buildings and any obstacles to reach its targets thanks to it being psychic in nature. It can also act like a one-shot move (similar to self-destruct of the Predator mod but without you dying) since not only will it completely erase the existence of its targets but also their souls as well
@nsh3t great mod! Say, are you interested in making a skin for the Doom Slayer?
@TheSpeedForce Great mod! Have you ever heard of the God Emperor of Mankind? I think a mod like this would suit his style well
@nmodds Can you add attacks like making ice spikes rising from the ground and stabbing everything, or freezing everything and letting breaks apart, or deprive everyone on oxygen and let them suffocate, or straight up vaporization or destruction Doctor Manhattan or Jean Grey from X-Man style. Or create storms and tornadoes, creates giant hovering bubbles of water that encase peds and vehicles
@nmodds I wonder, are you familiar with teh God Emporer of Mankind of the Warhammer 40k? For it is in my beleif that this mod would suit him very well