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19 commentaires
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love this mod just have one issue i got a addon ford vic make it the stash car no issues there but then the green icon doesnt come on when i get out of the vehicle to go to the trunk. but then when i get in passenger side it shows the green icon at trunk but i get out and its gone now i do have the Persistence mod but wouldnt have thought it would have been issue
lol got this car in real life and now can drive around gta in it
@AkaSutaKira ok just let me know if u figure anything out thanks
how come i cant get barriers to work other than that love this mod
ok i got the game working but now what where are the peds
i installed this today and now my game just loads slow like laggy loading game up
where did u get the awsome fbi ped to
car been taken down
will the ever be more up to date one with sights
are them outfits ever coming