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@RsMods Hey I love this mod but I was wondering if there are any cruise ship models avalible to transfer into the game? like this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A4GQO71dxjM
@johnny8937 hey do you thing you can make this Maserati grancabrio in the future https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=gAdBh7ZL&id=7E9F501F14E6BE0206F57C50B5119483671AEF42&thid=OIP.gAdBh7ZLs7z3lAFGvGcvvwEsC7&q=maserati+grancabrio&simid=608031482327204787&selectedIndex=69&ajaxhist=0 but amazing car:)
nice texture:) can you link me the city map? xD it looks cool af
@NoManland this is amazing:) are you going too do a bell 206 soon?
@Exoskeleton Ok, sounds good :) again sorry for bothering with comment but this is an amazing mod and I could not get to work after looking over all the comments ands files
@Exoskeleton sorry for this being the 20th complaint about this not working but I have tried to get this to work for 2 hours and yet still not working, just benches and floating lights appear when I load the map, I have done every thing said in the readme and idk what to do? any solutions or ways to fix this?
@EvanGamingFR did you install through import open formats? I installed and it works amazing.... don't leave a bad review if you don't know how to install
@WolfKnight yea dont buy it a friend gave me the files and its really not worth it the interior is really low quality and don't buy it for the fact of this guy being greedy and charging people for two fire trucks when skylinegtrfreak is making much more he and better models than gangrenn and is not making people pay.... if you want it just wait it will be leaked soon like all his trucks from gta 4 people have posted on websites.... just use these models for now until you can get them for free -https://www.gta5-mods.com/paintjobs/fdny-ladder-152
-https://www.gta5-mods.com/paintjobs/fdny-rescue-1-beta and there much better quality
@TheSigui xD bro no worries I have planned to make one myself to see how good I made it but after all there are some inconsistencies with this and there's always room for people who are knowledgeable with Photoshop to make a much better one:) but thanks bro:)
@DarthPungz :) that looked amazing tho, I used the hook from the helicopter spawned a jetski made the color red and hooked it on the helicopter and it looked like one of those buckets the use xD