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By lushchak
@Noam IL thanks for the reply, i will try to do something
@Noam IL Can you share a secret on how you made the blue flasher flash separately? The fact is that the police of Ukraine are using this regime to combat crime, and for several months now I have not been able to make my flasher in the second stage flash like yours.
@TheRadish Thank you brother, this is complete horror...
@LoTFi_Ramoul Firstly, this is not your personal video and I do not support your activities (namely piracy), and secondly, I updated the sounds thanks to my personal recordings.
@official_bran I updated the siren and now there is a perfect transition! Now we are waiting for the approval of the new (2.0) version from the administration. Everything for you! I hope you change your feedback to a more positive one :).
@endyfeng12 Honestly, I don't know how to make it for fivem
@Unfiny_2 +
[EN] W A R N I N G !!!
The video cannot convey the exact sound of the siren, so please do not write that this siren sounds awful and unrealistic.
[UA] П О П Е Р Е Д Ж Е Н Н Я !!!
Відео не може передати точне звучання сирени тому, будь ласка, не пишіть, що ця сирена звучить ужасно та нереалістично.
Hi, another such request, you have a Prius without els is very cool, it is in the Patrol Police of Kyiv region, but still it would be great, for example, to take an ELS adapter from a Renault Duster and transfer to the Prius (because the turn signals are the same). I've already tried, just changed the name of Els Adapt Duster to Prius but I can not, can you help? I would like to contact you personally and not through comments, maybe you need to think about creating a support account in any social network?
@Askhab122 как мне известно можно, но через ELS просто изменив названия ELS машины например на burrito5.xml