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@Jade_bad i think small road prop is not loading for you. do you have Map Builder Community 1.07 or Map Builder Mod installed? its inside it. Did you tried loading xml file with Menyoo?
love it! sometimes game crash when entering the truck, but if you use trainers teleport to nearest vehicle, it works. it is a touch of realism, thx
nice! it would be great to have disband option too
Great addition to game. it gives money purpose and reason to actually buy cars you like (in imnotmental deluxe dealership for example) so you can drive worry free. Works great with better chases and pull me over. thank you.
great mod, thx! can you make so that parked vehicles that i steal are marked as stolen/reported too, plz? (like in your old "stolen" mod)
Love this mod! I used szabo script before, but your option to save trailers, and separate files for each vehicle is what gets me.
would it be possible to create option to temporarily disable script ingame? there are some parts of game where this would come in handy (when you are passenger, like in some missions, or in taxis, or with prostitutes).
also, it would be great to have option to save vehicles for different owner, or at least, mutual ownership. (like when i save car as trevor, franklin cant use it unless i change ownership in xml)
other than that, this is a must have mod, for me, game is unplayable without it, thanks
@covenwave no, put files (ini, dll etc) into scripts folder
ok, as workaround, when i want to go to benny's, i save, ctrl esc game, change in .ini online maps to 1, load save, customize car, save, change maps to 0, then load last save.
Hi! First of all thank you for great contribution to gta.
Now, with this mod, game is crashing to desktop without error after I load the save for the second time (thru game -> load game). First reload is good, second reload, bam. It's fresh install, epic store version, up to date, no other mods. I also tried with cracked version (i thought, maybe its epic version problem), same crash. Benny's shop works fine, no problem there, just when i load save twice, it crashes.
only logs i have is scripthookV.log and ScriptHookVDotNet.log
// GTA V SCRIPT HOOK (build May 26 2020, v1.0.1868.4)
// (C) Alexander Blade 2015-2020
[14:27:03] INIT: Started
[14:27:03] INIT: Success, game version is VER_1_0_1868_4_EGS
[14:27:03] INIT: Registering script 'ScriptHookVDotNet.asi' (0x00007FF8AEA21480)
[14:27:07] INIT: Pool 1 extended
[14:27:07] INIT: Pool 2 extended
[14:27:07] INIT: Pool 3 extended
[14:27:07] INIT: Pool 4 extended
[14:27:12] INIT: GtaThread collection size 189
[14:27:12] INIT: wnd proc 0x00000000FFFF05F5
[14:27:12] INIT: IDXGISwapChain 0x00007FF8CCCF3E68 (0x00007FF8CCC64670)
[14:27:12] INIT: IDXGISwapChain set
[14:27:12] INIT: DX init started
[14:27:12] INIT: DX feature level B000
[14:27:12] INIT: DX init succeeded
[14:28:00] CORE: Requesting thread creation
[14:28:00] CORE: Creating threads
[14:28:01] CORE: Started control thread, id 32 active 1
[14:28:01] CORE: Started thread 'ScriptHookVDotNet.asi' (0x00007FF8AEA21480), id 33 active 1
[14:28:01] CORE: Launching main() for 'ScriptHookVDotNet.asi' (0x00007FF8AEA21480), id 33
[14:28:01] [DEBUG] Loading API from .\ScriptHookVDotNet2.dll ...
[14:28:01] [DEBUG] Loading API from .\ScriptHookVDotNet3.dll ...
[14:28:01] [DEBUG] Loading scripts from E:\Games\GTAV\scripts ...
[14:28:01] [DEBUG] Loading assembly BennysOriginalMotorworks.dll ...
[14:28:01] [INFO] Found 2 script(s) in BennysOriginalMotorworks.dll resolved to API 2.10.12.
[14:28:01] [DEBUG] Loading assembly INMNativeUI.dll ...
[14:28:01] [INFO] Found 1 script(s) in INMNativeUI.dll resolved to API 2.10.12.
[14:28:01] [DEBUG] Loading assembly Metadata.dll ...
[14:28:01] [INFO] Found 0 script(s) in Metadata.dll.
[14:28:01] [DEBUG] Instantiating script BennysOriginalMotorworks.Bennys ...
[14:28:04] [INFO] Started script BennysOriginalMotorworks.Bennys.
[14:28:04] [DEBUG] Instantiating script BennysOriginalMotorworks.BennysMenu ...
[14:28:04] [INFO] Started script BennysOriginalMotorworks.BennysMenu.
[14:28:04] [DEBUG] Instantiating script INMNativeUI.BigMessageThread ...
[14:28:04] [INFO] Started script INMNativeUI.BigMessageThread.