somwhere b/w ifstream and ofstream
1 fichier aimé
41 commentaires
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  • F45220 dichebach512x512

    Looks cool, but . . . heh, heh "everything?" ;)
    There is a mod for "real weapon names." Maybe you could merge that one in too ("ask" the guy first as it is the more polite approach). But yeah . . . downloading and will test and rate.

    13 janvier 2017
  • F45220 dichebach512x512

    Neat, but . . . can't the user just do this themselves in Windows?

    13 janvier 2017
  • F45220 dichebach512x512

    This mod adds a lot to the game. I have it running with @The_XXI's "Fine-Tuned Felony and Response" and they play pretty well together. This probably has to do more with the rate at which cop spawns are created and move toward the character (which FTFR is no doubt changing compared to vanilla), but I do find that it is pretty difficult to actually clear all cops.

    13 janvier 2017
  • F45220 dichebach512x512
  • F45220 dichebach512x512

    I've got a few different mods installed that might be fighting over the functionality this one covers . . . that said, this seems to work well and adds a lot of fun to the game. JediJosh has one called "Working Burger Joint" and it usually has about 10 patrons inside (and they cannot flee, they just sit there in their chairs). So between this one and that one, that is my routine "farm cash" location. I've come out of there with as much as ~$20k :)

    13 janvier 2017
  • F45220 dichebach512x512

    Works pretty well. It would be cool if there was a lot more variability to the ransom amounts, and in particular a chance to kidnap somebody really high value (a CEO, politician, or billionaire's kid).

    13 janvier 2017
  • F45220 dichebach512x512

    I'm guessing there are no map markers for the coffee shops? I've had this installed for quite a while but never actually noticed any markers for the coffee shops.

    13 janvier 2017
  • F45220 dichebach512x512

    Its a fun mod!

    13 janvier 2017
  • F45220 dichebach512x512

    A good mod. This combined with handsup: go into the burger joint, grab a burger to up health, sneak kill the burger joint employee, then stickup all the patrons . . . then assassinate them . . . I've come out of there with as much as $20k ! My only constructive criticism: the objects on the inside of the burger join are mostly garbled.

    13 janvier 2017
  • F45220 dichebach512x512

    This seems to work, but honestly I don't really see the point of it.

    13 janvier 2017