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@Midnigh7Rider yeah... its literally in the title... and description....
@AbsolutelyHalal @AbsolutelyHalal I had to edit some of them send me a pm
@aljaz_hi every single sound i used from youtube was either crap audio, white noise, or just too deep for the game to recognize as a engine sound. Used the contender with a quieter exhaust as it was the most closest sounding to the new engine sound besides the old patriot.
@Kazboy gotta go in the game.dat151 and sounds.dat54 and find the vehicle that best suits your needs, then edit from there. 5.3 vortec is on the way, use the xmls as a reference because i kept it mostly in game sounds besides a few custom things
@dalii i didnt make the model tho, i made the handling, if you find one id help you with a handling file
@ssammut one of my guys got it for our test server. Thats about all I do. Idk who he is either I just know its a good model.
@ssammut Banki Mods
@Kazboy do null_sound on ignition or the startupmaster. Ignition sometimes is too short
@aljaz_hi ill look into it later i tred to make a duramax but they all have too much turbo noise and it goes vaccum sound. I got mad and said screw it lol. This stuff takes up alot of time
@aljaz_hi i spent a week to make these 3 happen. The audio has to he precisely what rockstar wanted or it does all kinds of vaccum sounding junk or you can't hear it period.