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everything works great but it ain't allowing me to spawn in the DLC cars please help!
GUYS I FIXED IT! all you have to do is update your open iv then everything will be fine :)
@joaoarthur i mean like the cars arent showing up as an option for me to spawn it i already have that installed tho
i just updated it everything is working fine, but for the native trainer the gunrunning vehicles aren't showing up . PLEASE HELP!!!!!
if you guys are having a problem when ever you wanna play story mode buy it crashes you gotta go onto open iv press edit mode then a green alert well appear click on it then back out of open iv then start up the game then it well work (maybe)
same here
and the garage never opens i have to do a glitch to get in
when i go out of Benny i cant go back in i have to quit the game to go back in to Benny some one help me please. Thanks!
anyone else been waiting for almost 20 hours XD