
North Dakota [North Yankton - Map Editor]

5 347

Hi, welcom to the North Dakota, i just trie to make North Yankton more like reel North Dakota US state

This is the first release so i do more in the future.

- I changed the welcome ludendorff sign to North Dakota sign
- I changed Yankton licence plate to North Dakota licence plate
- I added GTA IV style houses because is more realisme for this area than California houses from GTA V (thanks to Meth0d & Quechus13 for addonsprops mods)
- I added trees


Map Editor
Menyoo or Object Spawn Unlocker 1.1

Installation in the readme.


House are no light during the night
Some house are no collision "idk why"

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Première mise en ligne : 8 avril 2020
Dernière mise à jour : 8 avril 2020
Téléchargé pour la dernière fois : il y a 8 heures

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5 347 téléchargements , 26 Mo
8 avril 2020

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