
Level Crossing Accident

1 045

Level Crossing Accident

Level Crossing Accident near the Sandy Shores Airfield, Involving a bus, car and a train.

Map Idea Credit to: Trainman486


-Train will only load floating in the air so run into, shoot or punch it to make it drop.

- There is a gap between the train and vehicles it has hit because if i did not leave one the train would spawn on top of them.

-I turn of random trains when playing this map otherwise trains will still use this stretch. You can do that with Enhanced Native Trainer:

Download Map Editor by Guadmaz & Install.

Open Map Editor in game (F7) and in load game type "train"

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Première mise en ligne : 27 janvier 2016
Dernière mise à jour : 28 janvier 2016
Téléchargé pour la dernière fois : il y a 2 jours

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1 045 téléchargements , 9 ko
27 janvier 2016

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