
Dream Tower Hotel Interior 1.0

1 453

Enjoy your stay in Korea Town at this beautiful Dream Tower Hotel! Just be sure to not anger the other guests, because most of them are affiliated with the triads, who will most likely kill you if you annoy them. At this hotel, you will find never ending parties along with lazy hotel staff that you will rarely see cleaning. But put all that aside, and this is truly one of the most beautiful hotels in San Andreas!

location picture is included in the archive!

Installation instructions included in the archive


You must have an updated map builder and map editor.
an updated objects list.
You can get it here:


map may cause some fps drop, because there is 500 props, so hopefully it won't bother you to much.

The building's interior doesn't have a collision, so I couldn't place any peds inside the building, and I can't fix this. Also be careful when jumping, as it may throw you out of the building.

Be sure to let me know if this is something you all like, since this is my second map mod I've done!
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Première mise en ligne : 21 décembre 2018
Dernière mise à jour : 21 décembre 2018
Téléchargé pour la dernière fois : il y a 8 heures

All Versions

 1.0 (current)

1 453 téléchargements , 2,1 Mo
21 décembre 2018

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